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School Awards

Congratulations Horace Mann!

We have received national recognition as one of America’s best urban schools. In 2024, we received the America’s Best Schools GOLD Award presented by the National Center of Urban School Transformation.  We were selected because we are demonstrating impressive academic results for every demographic group we serve. Our school showed strong evidence of: curricular rigor, instructional effectiveness, relational quality, and continuous improvement efforts.  We are the only school in Glendale that has won the top award four times. We also were the only school in Glendale to be selected for the National Blue Ribbon Award in 2023.  This award is presented by U.S. Dept. of Education and recognizes academic excellence and our exemplary teaching and learning.

We have received top honors from CA Department of Education.  In 2018 and 2020, we won the CA Distinguished School Award which honors schools for exemplary progress and performance on state indicators, including state ELA and Math standards.  We previously won the Title I Academic Achievement Award, as well as the Gold Ribbon Award recognizing exemplary programs in the state.  This award honored our use of  key elements of effective schools, including:  Instructional Leadership, Clear and Focused Mission, Safe and Orderly Environment, Climate of High Expectations, Frequent Monitoring of Student Progress, Positive Home-School Relations, and Opportunity to Learn and Student Time on Task

Horace Mann's academic success is due to our wonderful leadership and staff.  We won the CA School Boards Association 2018 CA Golden Bell Award for our outstanding collaborative planning by our teachers in Professional Learning Communities, during our banking meetings.  We are proud of our exceptional effort on behalf of our students!


2010 NCUST National Excellence in Urban Education Award
2013-23 Campaign for Business and Education Excellence Star Honor Roll School
2014 California Title I Academic Achievement Award 
2016 California Gold Ribbon Award
2016 NCUST National Excellence in Urban Education GOLD Award
2018 CA School Boards Association Golden Bell Award

2018 PBIS SILVER Award
2018, 2020 California Distinguished School Award

2020 NCUST America’s Best Urban Schools GOLD Award

2022 CA Pivotal Practice Award

2023 PBIS Gold Award 

2023 National Blue Ribbon Award

2024 NCUST America’s Best Schools GOLD Award

  • Amercia's Best Schools Award
    Amercia's Best Schools Award
  • PBIS Gold Award
    PBIS Gold Award
  • Title I Achieving School
    Title I Achieving School
  • CA Distinguished School Award
    CA Distinguished School Award
  • National Blue Ribbon Award
    National Blue Ribbon Award