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Mann Parent Involvement Policy

This policy describes ways parent/s may be involved at our school site. The policy is sent home in the First Day packet.  Copies are available in the front office. Translations are available in Spanish and Armenian.

1.  Statement of Purpose

Horace Mann Elementary School is committed to provide a quality education for every child. To this end, we want to establish partnerships with parents and the community to encourage greater involvement in order to promote high achievement by all students.  Parents’ support for their children and for the school is critical to their children’s success.  Grade level standards drive the instructional program and will be made accessible to all parents.  Grade level standards will be explained and discussed each year at Back to School Night.  All students are expected to become proficient in grade level standards.  Identified students at risk of not meeting grade level standards will receive intervention services designed to improve their proficiency.  The school encourages parents to participate in all aspects of the Title I program and, if requested, with opportunities for regular meetings to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children in compliance with legal requirements (PL100-297, Section 1118 Parent Involvement) and in accordance with District policy.  Parents will be provided with an explanation of the curriculum, academic assessments and proficiency levels students are expected to meet.

2.  Parental Involvement in Developing the Policy
The Horace Mann School Parental Involvement Policy and the School-Parent Compact (Three-Way Pledge) are reviewed annually by the Mann School Site Council, English Language Advisory Committee and the School Instructional Leadership Team. 

3.  Annual Meeting for Title I Parents
At the annual meeting for parents of Title I students held each year, parents are given timely information relating to Title I requirements and how they will be involved in all aspects of the Title I Program and their rights to be involved including its design, implementation and evaluation.  Parents receive copies of the current Parent Involvement Policy and are made aware of the District and Site Advisory Committees.

Oral translation and written translations of distributed materials are made available.  All parents in the school are sent written notices about the meetings, which will be held at scheduled times.

4.  School-Parent Compact
According to Title I regulations, Horace Mann Elementary School must share with parents the responsibility for improved student achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the state’s high standards.  At Horace Mann Elementary School, this three-way pledge is called the School Compact.  Teachers and students discuss the compact before signing it.  It is sent home in the Thursday folder for parents to sign and return.  A copy of the compact is kept with the child’s teacher and teacher specialist and may be reviewed by teachers, students and parents throughout the year to recommit to the promises.  The School Site Council will evaluate the use of the parent compact each year and suggest modifications to enhance its value in establishing a team approach to education.

 School’s Responsibilities:

  • Teach California State Standards in a safe, positive, and motivating learning environment.
  • Address the individual needs of each child, and encourage each child to take responsibility for his/her behavior and learning.
  • Maintain ongoing, productive communication with parents and children through notes, calls, behavior charts, emails and/or conferences.
  • Provide suggestions as to how families can help their child succeed.
  • Communicate homework and class work expectations with students and parents.
  • Provide materials and training to help parents work with their child to improve their child’s achievement.

 Parents’ Responsibilities:

  • Read daily to/with my child for 30-45 minutes.
  • Talk with my child daily about his/her experiences at school.
  • Provide a quiet place at home for my child to do his/her homework.
  • Help my child follow all school rules.
  • Bring my child to school and pick up my child on time every day and notify the school when absent.
  • Attend at least two school functions during the year and communicate questions and concerns with my child’s teacher.
  • Ensure that my child dresses appropriately, in school uniform.

 Student’s Responsibilities:

  • Arrive at school on time every day and have a reasonable excuse if absent or tardy.
  • Bring my homework/assignments completed to school each day they are due.
  • Follow all school and classroom rules.
  • Take full responsibility for doing my best to learn California State Standards.
  • Wear the school uniform daily.

5.  Types of Parental Involvement

There are many ways in which parents are expected to be involved with their child’s education at home, at school and in the community.  In order for parents to fulfill their responsibility, the school will:

  1. Help parents develop parenting skills and foster conditions at home that support their child’s effort in learning.
  2. Provide parents with knowledge of techniques designed to assist children in learning at home.
  3. Provide access to and coordinate community and support services for children and families.
  4. Promote a clear, two-way communication between the school and the family as to school programs and children’s progress.
  5. Involve parents, after appropriate training, in instructional and support roles at the school.
  6.  Support parents as decision makers and develop their leadership, governance, advisory and advocacy roles.
  7. Assist parents in understanding academic content and achievement standards and how to monitor the achievement of their children.
  8. Provide materials and training to help Title I parents work with their children to improve their children’s achievement.
  9. Educate staff with the assistance of Title I parents, in the value of parent contributions and how to work with parents as equal partners. 
  10. Coordinate and integrate the Title I parental involvement program with other programs and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, which encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children.
  11. Distribute to Title I parents information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities in a form and language that the parents understand.
  12. Provide support for parental involvement activities requested by Title I parents. The Horace Mann staff supports this effort through:  Coffee with the Principal meetings, Kindergarten Tea with the Teachers, School Site Council meetings, and telephone messages from the Principal, annual Title I Parent Information meetings, informal and annual formal parent-teacher conferences, IILP parent-teacher conferences, progress reports, standards-based report cards, monthly student awards assemblies, Kindergarten Orientation, Back to School Night, Open House, links to counseling services Healthy Start, Healthy Kids and Operation School Bell.

6.  Matching Programs to the Needs of Our Community

Each year, the School Site Council will assess the needs of parents and children using a variety of measures, such as questionnaires and assessment data and then tailor the Title I program to meet those needs.  Parents will be notified of workshops and other programs that will be made available to meet their needs and the importance of their responsibility to attend through flyers, monthly calendars, phone calls, and School Site Council meetings.

7.  Staff-Parent Communication

Communication with parents will include notes, activity packets sent home in Thursday folders, calendars, informal and formal conferences, progress reports, report cards, informal notes, student contract feedback, and telephone messages.  All communication is provided in English and translation will be provided as needed.

8.  Evaluation

The School Site Council consisting of Title I parents will be involved in the process of school review and improvement by collecting information in a variety of ways.  There will be an annual evaluation of the parent involvement program each year.

Horace Mann Elementary School is committed to parental involvement and has approved the Parental Involvement Policy.  The policy will be coordinated by the teacher specialist, the school principal, and the School Site Council; and is promoted by all school staff.